storied i: rooted

Artistry Shared

Alive in space and spirit, histories emerge. Stories of countless artisans and makers who have cast their influence. Fathers and sons, mothers, grandmothers. Each has found their place here. Sharing their artistry, their time, and their traditions, in pieces built from family trees.

Mastering and teaching old-world techniques so that they will live on. Carving, cutting, finishing. Promising, to those who came before, that this craftsmanship will never be lost.

Tradition paired with modern making. Welding. Turning. Sanding. Guided by touch, these powerful tools can only do what is asked of them.

Not work, but works. Every day made by hand. By hands. Created by process, by practice. Each final form adorned with pride that feels visible.

By countless methods and means, in this skillful preserving of ancestry and craft, generations are deeply rooted. Legacies are quietly etched, ingrained, encased in these woods and woodshops.

Forever in these sculpted pieces, the spirit of centuries stays.

Victor, Metalworker

Welding and sanding smooth the metal frameworks and detailing, Victor works on many of our time-intensive collections, including Acacius, Carrinna, Obra, and Telluride. Honing his craft for 20 years, his expertise is in molding and refining oxidized metals to fit and highlight the natural shape and beauty of each piece of wood.

Antonia, Artist

With many years of handcraft experience, Antonia supervises work on our Polanco Collection. She carefully cuts and arranges each shaved piece of salvaged and sustainably sourced ash wood, creating unique mosaic patterns that best feature its scorch marks, water stains, and natural graining.